Quiz Welcher adidas Trainingsplan ist der richtige für dich?
Es gibt viele verschiedene Trainingspläne, aber es ist schwer herauszufinden, welcher dir hilft, dein Trainingsziel zu erreichen. Beantworten Sie 8 Fragen im Quiz unten und finden Sie Ihren persönlichen Plan.
Have you ever done Burpees? Not exactly my favourite exercise. What’s that? Never heard of it. They’re way too hard for me, but they work. Yes. They are a great full-body exercise. I like to add them to my workouts. No, but my friends who do Burpees swear by them.
What are your fitness goals? I’m looking for new challenges! Nothing special. But I’ve noticed that I really need to do something. I want to get in shape relatively soon. It’s time for a six pack. I’m headed to the beach soon. I work out, but I’m not sure what to do next.
How many push-ups can you do without a break? 20 or more. Two, but on my knees. One on a good day, but I want to do more. 5 to 10. I never do push-ups.
What is more important – how you look or total body fitness? I like to use as many muscles at the same time as possible. That’s easy: it’s all about the six pack for me. Get in shape! That’s enough for me at first. I’ll look better if I keep working out. I don’t really care, as long as I’ve got a good bag of chips.
Have you ever started a training plan but given up? No, I’ve never tried one. Will it make a difference at all? Yes! But I had to quit, because it wasn’t right for me. I’d like to try one, but I can’t decide which is right for me. I did one once, but there was nothing for me to continue with. Not yet, but it’s not for lack of motivation.
How often do you work out? Once in a while, when my friends ask me to join them. 3 to 4 times per week. I want to see results. Irregularly. Something always gets in the way. Rarely. Actually never, to be honest. I’m totally unmotivated. I try to work out once or twice a week.
How many squats can you do in 30 seconds? >> Try it now! I definitely managed 10 - 15. Whew, I just don’t know how to do them properly. Yay! I did 5! More than 20. No sweat. I did twenty.
"Get in shape in 3 weeks" - what do you think about the concept? 3 weeks are a good start. But what comes next? I think it’s really good for beginners. I’d rather have a long-term plan. That wouldn’t work for me. I need more time to get in shape. Super. The shorter, the better.
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Quiz >> Which adidas Training Plan Is Right for You?